The Athlete's FoodCoach Terms and Conditions

Last updated: December 22, 2023

Effective date: December 29, 2023

The Athlete's FoodCoach

Blanco FoodCoach B.V. (“Blanco FoodCoach,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) delivers personalized nutrition advice via the FoodCoach app and website (“FoodCoach”) and certified professional dietitians and nutritionists ("the Services”). These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "Terms"), together with the Privacy Statement, apply to FoodCoach and the Services.

DISCLAIMER: Blanco FoodCoach through FoodCoach and the Services offers general guidance for dietary and wellness goals. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users with pre-existing health conditions should consult healthcare professionals before making significant lifestyle changes. FoodCoach' content is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Individual responses to dietary changes vary, and FoodCoach or the Services do not guarantee specific outcomes. Users are encouraged to exercise discretion and consult with healthcare providers for personalized advice. Blanco FoodCoach is not liable for any consequences resulting from the use of FoodCoach or the Services.


Usage FoodCoach

In FoodCoach you will create training sessions for the sport you practice. With the training schedule and your health data your daily energy balance is calculated. From your energy balance a nutrition plan is calculated. This nutrition plan is divided over the day (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and eating during exercise). We translate the necessary ingredients into products. FoodCoach further offers

  1. Dynamic meal planning.
    Log or discover 1500+ pro meals for real-time results on your plate.
  2. Seamless integration
    Connect with Strava and Garmin and other activity trackers and training plan providers to update your nutrition plan with the latest activity data.
  3. Learning by doing
    Find your focus with hands-on challenges that guide you through key nutrition topics.

Control and abuse


Intellectual property

Termination by Participant

YYou can terminate your participation in FoodCoach or the Services at any time by deleting your FoodCoach profile in the app.

Termination by Blanco FoodCoach

Blanco FoodCoach has the right at all times to terminate FoodCoach or the Services, without being obliged to pay damages and/or any other compensation to the participants in any way. For clarity, whether it continues to store any user data shall also be at Blanco FoodCoach's sole discretion.

Changes to Terms

Blanco FoodCoach has the right at all times to change FoodCoach, the Services or to change these Terms and the Privacy Statement. We reserve the right to modify its prices at all times. A modification of these prices shall constitute a significant change to these Terms. Any modification of these prices will become effective the next month after you are notified thereof.

This and other significant changes to the Terms and/or the Privacy Statement will be brought to your attention within the Applications. We will inform you at least two (2) weeks in advance about a significant change or termination of FoodCoach or the Services via the email address provided by you. By continuing to access or use FoodCoach or the Services after those revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Terms. If you do not accept any revisions to these Terms, you should discontinue using FoodCoach or the Services

Governing Law and Courts

Dutch law applies to these Terms and to FoodCoach and the Services. All disputes in connection with this will be submitted to the court of Oost-Brabant location 's-Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands.


If you have any questions or comments about FoodCoach or the Services, please contact us: