Sepp's seed crackers with hummus, alfalfa and pumpkin seeds
Sepp Kuss fuels his dreams with this snack
5 min - 325 kcal - 4 ingredients
![Sepp's seed crackers with hummus, alfalfa and pumpkin seeds](/images/recipes/sepps-seed-crackers-with-hummus-alfalfa-and-pumpkin-seeds.webp)
Ingredients (per serving)
2 pcs Organic cracker seeds & kernels
2.5 tbs Hummus natural
0.3 tbs Pumpkin seeds
20 g Alfalfa
Preparation steps
- Top the crackers with hummus, alfalfa and garnish with pumpkin seeds.
Nutritional values (per serving)
Energy 325 kcal
Carbs 9 g
Protein 11 g
Fats 26 g
Fiber 8 g
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