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Savory oatmeal with mushrooms and sun-dried tomatoes

We all love a bowl of oatmeal in the morning, right? Why not try a different variant on a rocksolid recipe?

10 min - 530 kcal - 7 ingredients

Savory oatmeal with mushrooms and sun-dried tomatoes

Ingredients (per serving)

65 g       Oatmeal
40 g     Sundried Tomatoes
40 g     Mushrooms
1 pcs     Mushroom Bouillon Cubes
200 g     Spinach washed
1.5 tbs     Raisins
0.5 tbs     Olive Oil

Preparation steps

  1. Pour the water into the pan. Bring to the boil and add the stock cube..
  2. Turn down the heat slightly and add the oatmeal. Cook the oatmeal until all the liquid has been absorbed.
  3. Preheat a frying pan. Cut the mushrooms into slices. Fry with olive oil in the frying pan until golden brown.
  4. Chop the sun-dried tomatoes finely.
  5. Stir the spinach into the oatmeal. Add mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes and raisins.

Nutritional values (per serving)

Energy     530 kcal
Carbs     65 g
Protein     19 g
Fats       18 g
Fiber       13 g

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