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Whole wheat bread with peanut butter, cottage cheese and avocado, yoghurt and orange juice

A breakfast full of colours and taste. A solid base to start your day

10 min - 939 kcal - 9 ingredients

Whole wheat bread with peanut butter, cottage cheese and avocado, yoghurt and orange juice

Ingredients (per serving)

2 slices       Whole wheat bread
1 tbs     Peanut butter
2 tbs     Huttenkäse
0.2 pcs     Avocado
200 ml     Orange juice
225 ml     Semi-skimmed yogurt
60 g     Muesli with fruit
1 pcs     Bananas
40 g     Raspberries

Preparation steps

  1. Peel and slice the banana.
  2. Mix the yoghurt with banana slices, raspberries and granola.
  3. Slice the avocado into slices.
  4. Spread half of the bread with peanut butter and the other half with cottage cheese.
  5. Place the avocado slices on the bread with cottage cheese.
  6. Serve the bread on a plate with the bowl of yoghurt and orange juice.

Nutritional values (per serving)

Energy     939 kcal
Carbs     126 g
Protein     34 g
Fats       28 g
Fiber       17 g

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