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Should I spread my protein intake during the day as a cyclist?

Yes, spreading your daily protein intake makes it easier to meet your daily protein needs. Hitting your daily protein intake is crucial because it maximizes nearly all of your Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS). Additionally, spreading your intake helps to fully optimize MPS. Amateurs should aim for three meals a day, while elite cyclists should aim to distribute their protein intake across six meals to reach the full potential of MPS.

Image of The Athlete’s FoodCoach
Written by: The Athlete’s FoodCoach, on 17-11-2023
Cup of milk on a yellow table

Why can spreading my protein intake during the day be beneficial?

It was tought that maximal stimulation of MPS occurs when proteins are ingested at a dosage of approximately 0.3 to 0,6g/kg body weight per meal (which is approximately 20-40g). Surpassing this range would not contribute significantly to MPS, therefore the advice was to opt for multiple smaller protein portions instead of large bulks to optimize protein utilization. However, based on recent studies this evidence is now questionable. Hitting daily protein intake is crucial for nearly optimal Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS). Spreading protein over the day probably has no major further benefits. However, this does not mean it has no benefits at all. Protein spreading could potentially contribute to:

  1. Supports daily protein intake: Spreading protein intake throughout the day helps to reach daily protein needs, which supports long-term recovery and training adaptation.
  2. Helps reaching the full potential of MPS: Spreading protein intake throughout the day ensures a steady supply of amino acids, which supports a continuous level of MPS throughout the day and may help to fully optimize MPS.
  3. Satiety and weight management: Protein contributes to satiety and appetite control. Consuming protein can contribute to appetite control, which may aid in portion control and consequently support weight management efforts.

How do I get the spreading of my protein intake on point?

Both amateur and elite cyclists should focus on meeting total daily protein needs. Amateurs should aim to distribute their intake across at least three meals a day, while elite cyclists should aim to spread their protein intake across six meals a day to reach the full potential of MPS.

Use the FoodCoach app to receive customized daily protein recommendations. Strive to adjust each meal to meet your protein target, to be sure you reach your daily protein goal. Keep in mind, every meal is a chance to enhance your performance!

The FoodCoach app makes it easy to achieve your protein goals in a practical way using real foods. Discover new high-protein performance nutrition meals, proven at World Tour level. Tune your own meals with common ingredients to maximize protein intake, maintain energy balance, and seamlessly fit them into your eating routine.

Example of FoodCoach app

Popular protein-rich meals and snacks

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