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What do I eat before my workout?

If you aim to make the most out of your training session, focus on eating carbs before your training. It's crucial to tailor your carb intake to your individual needs for the best results.

Image of The Athlete’s FoodCoach
Written by: The Athlete’s FoodCoach, on 27-01-2025
Woman eating before gym training

Why should I prioritise carbs before my workout?

  1. Fast energy source: Carbs are the body's predominant and most efficient source of energy, especially for moderate- to high intensity activities
  2. Maintain stable blood sugar levels: Carbs are rapidly converted into glucose, which is transported in the blood known as blood glucose or blood sugar. Glucose can also be stored in the body as glycogen, in the liver and muscles. Eating carbs before your workout increases glucose in the blood and can may increase glycogen content. This can help prevent a rapid drop in blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, and a drop in performance during training.
  3. Delay fatigue: Adequate glycogen stores in the liver and muscles are crucial for delaying the onset of fatigue. Eating carbs before your workout can optimize these glycogen levels and therefore maintain optimal performance.
  4. Mental Focus: Glucose is the primary fuel for the brain. Consuming carbs before your training supports mental clarity and focus during your workout.

How do I get my carb intake before my workout on point?

It's crucial to tailor your carb intake to your individual needs, activity level, and preferences for the best results. Here are some points to take into consideration while planning your pre-exercise meal(s):

  1. Amount of carbs: The recommended carb intake before exercise is 1-4 grams of carbs per kg body weight, dependent on the duration and intensity of your workout. Opt for complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables for sustained energy release.
  2. Timing carb intake: Timing is essential when consuming carbohydrates before exercise. Experiment with eating a carbohydrate-rich meal or snacks in the hours before your workout to see what gives your body enough time to digest and convert the carbohydrates into usable energy, without upsetting the stomach.

Use the FoodCoach app and the ‘Fueling Before training' medal to master pre-training fueling step-by-step. Start with the basics, build consistency with personalised strategies, and optimise for peak performance!

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