Should I consider the types of carbs, low-GI and high-GI, in my pre-exercise meal to enhance performance?
Yes, considering the types of carbs, low-GI and high-GI before a workout allows you to customize your nutrition strategy based on the characteristics of your ride. This optimization can lead to improved performance.

Why is the type of carbs before a workout relevant?
Different types of carbs are processed differently by the body, which influences:
- Energy release: Carbs that are processed more slowly, promote a steady release of energy during a workout.
- Blood glucose levels: Some carbs result in a slower increase in blood glucose compared to other types. This helps maintaining stableblood glucose levels during a workout, contributing to sustained performance.
- Substrate utilization: Carbs resulting in a slower increase of blood glucose, potentially encourage the body to rely more on fat for energy. This enhanced fat oxidation can be beneficial for athletes, potentially sparing muscle glycogen and contributing to sustained energy levels. However, research findings on this effect have been inconsistent.
- Gastrointestinal comfort: Carbs that are harder to digest and absorb, can cause gastrointestinal discomfort during your workout.
How do I get the type of carbs in my pre-workout meal on point?
Carbs in foods can be ranked according to how they are processed and consequently affect blood glucose levels, known as The glycemic index (GI). In general, low-GI carb sources, cause a lower and slower rise in blood glucose compared to high-GI foods. You may use this principle to customize your nutrition strategy based on the characteristics of your ride:
- Endurance rides: Choose mainly low-GI carbs, for a steady release of glucose, ensuring consistent energy and stable blood sugar. Low-GI carbs may additionally promote the use of fat for energy, making them ideal for long workouts.
- Short- and high intensity rides: Opt for a mix of high- and low-GI carbs that are more easy to digest. Easy digestible, high-GI sources cause a more rapid increase in blood sugar, provide quick energy and swiftly replenish glycogen stores. This making them suitable for a pre-workout snack as well.
- Gastrointestinal comfort: Choose carbs that are easy digestible, which are often high-GI carbs, to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort especially during intense workouts. However, since individual tolerance varies, pay attention to your body's response to different types of carbs.
Working with the GI of foods to customize your nutrition strategy before exercise works well if you are dealing with isolated carb sources. However, combining several foods influences overall digestion and absorption of a meal and therefore influence the GI response and its effects.
Use The FoodCoach App to structure your training and receive customized pre-workout meal recommendations. Experimenting with different types of carbs and paying attention to how your body responds allows you to tailor your nutrition to your unique needs and preferences. Keep in mind, every meal is a chance to enhance your performance!

Popular low-GI foods
Popular medium-GI foods
Popular high-GI foods
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- - Carbs: carbohydrates are macro-nutrient found in various forms, including sugars, starches, and dietary fiber, primarily serving the function of providing energy to the body
- - Glucose: A simple sugar, often referred to as blood sugar, that remains when carbs are broken down and is transported in the bloodstream.
- - Blood glucose: Refers to the concentration of sugar (glucose) in the bloodstream, which serves as a crucial energy source for endurance athletes during prolonged physical activity.
- - Muscle Glycogen: stored form of carbs in the muscles, serving as a readily accessible source of energy for the body during periods of high energy demand.
- - Substrate utilization: the process by which the body uses various substances (or substrates), such as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, to produce energy in the body.
- - Fat oxidation: The process by which the body breaks down stored fat to produce energy, predominantly through the utilization of fatty acids.
- - Glycemic Index (GI): Refers to the degree to which a carb elevates blood glucose in the 2 h following consumption. The higher the GI of a carb, the more rapid is the increase in blood glucose.
- - Low-GI foods: Rate of 0-55, indicating a slow and gradual rise in blood sugar levels.
- - Medium-GI foods: 56-69, indicating a moderate increase in blood sugar levels.
- - High-GI foods: 70 and above, indicating a rapid and significant spike in blood sugar levels.
- - Gastrointestinal discomfort: Unpleasant sensations or symptoms that affect the digestive system, particularly the stomach and intestines. These symptoms can include bloating, gas, abdominal pain, cramps, nausea, indigestion, and a feeling of fullness.
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